Time for my third extraction, I guess

Since I had a crown put on the tooth behind one of my top canines, I have been dealing with pain every time food touches it. At first it was just when it touched the tooth a certain way. But today I bit into a shortbread cookie and there was suddenly a sharp searing pain through the entire tooth and not just the surface like before. The dentist thought it was just a matter of adjusting the bite at first, and that initially helped a little, buuuut it just gets worse.

So I called in this afternoon to change my cleaning scheduled next week to a crown instead, or whatever work needed to be done on this tooth. Because they have worked on it a few times, she put me on hold and when she came back, she said the dentist thought it needed a root canal now.

After I got off the phone, I just hugged myself and tried hard not to cry (spoiler: I failed and cried). Once I had calmed down a little and spoke with my boss and a few friends, I realized that even though this tooth is closer to the front of the mouth and can partially be seen when I smile wide, it would still be best to just extract it.

I have had two root canals in the past. One when I was around 12 and another in my late teens or early twenties. Both times it required two appointments, and the pain I felt in between appointments was excruciating. I was in hell and it was absolute misery. The next time I was told I needed a root canal I refused and asked it be extracted instead. The dentist fought with me about it, saying I would regret it later (“everyone regrets it”) but it still seemed better than going through the procedure of a root canal again. I finally talked him into it and he extracted the tooth. I never did regret that decision. And just back in 2014 another tooth was recommended for a root canal, so I talked the dentist into extracting that one, too. He didn’t like it, but he did it. I haven’t regretted that one either.

And I know I won’t regret it this time either. The dentists I had as a kid were so awful that they honestly should not have been dentists. I am legit traumatized by the shit they put me through for all those years. And it was a miracle if I went there every six months and didn’t have 3-5 cavities that needed filled. And it wasn’t for lack of brushing or flossing. My teeth genetics just suck.

So, I have the appointment still, technically for the root canal, but they said the doctor and I can talk then about what treatment might be best. There’s nothing he can say, though, that will convince me to go through that procedure again. Never ever ever again.

A few years ago, just before the last extraction, I freaked out upon hearing it needed a root canal that I extended the limit of my carecredit card and made an appointment to get all my teeth extracted and get dentures. It was scheduled, paid for, and ready to go the following week. But my mother talked me out of it. So I opted for just getting the one tooth taken out instead. I was (and still am) just so DONE with dental work.

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